MST Occupations and Demonstrations

“We Will Continue To Take To The Streets To Fight For Democratic Elections and in Defense of the Rights of the Brazilian People”

Over the last week, in Brazil and different parts of the world, hundreds of thousands of us have been mobilizing, handing out flyers, giving public classes, holding vigils, marches, actions, roadblocks and occupations in order to promote dialogue and alert the society about the farcical trial that is being carried out against presidential candidate Lula da Silva Porto Alegre and explaining its significance: it is a prolongation of the coup that began in 2016.

With actions throughout Brazil, Cry of the Excluded denounces Temer’s attacks on rights and democracy

Thousands of people took to the streets this September 7th under the motto: "For rights and democracy, the struggle is every day"

On this holiday of September 7, popular movements and sectors of the Catholic Church organized the traditional Cry of the Excluded in various cities across the country. In the 23rd edition of the action, the protesters went the streets under the motto: "For rights and democracy, the struggle is every day".

Joao Pedro Stédile: “Temer’s government is over, but he hasn’t fallen yet because the bourgeoisie hasn’t found a replacement”

Joao Pedro Stédile is not only a fundamental part of the Landless Rural Workers’ Movement, but also a member of the Brazil Popular Front, which as of late has become Michel Temer’s worst nightmare.

In this interview, by our collaborator Geraldina Colotti, Stédile addresses the current situation in Brazil, and the probable exits to the crisis, including Temer’s fall and the call to direct elections now.

In a manifesto, MST denounces criminalization and violence in the countryside

It was raining in São Paulo when young people from the MST and the Popular Rising of Youth, in chorus, repeated several times: "it is a time of war, it is a time without sun," taking the front of the main stage of the National Fair of Agrarian Reform. The intervention served to launch a manifesto against the criminalization of social movements and against violence in the countryside, which was beautiful by the singer Tico Santa Cruz on the night of Friday, May 5, 2017.
