MST Occupations and Demonstrations

March 8th Struggles in Pernambuco

Focus of the actions is the fight against the proposal of reform of the Social Security, of the coup government of Michel Temer.


Finally came the 8th of March, a date so expected by all popular movements, and this year has assumed a character of confrontation with the agenda of the coup government, which seeks to deepen the gender inequalities already so entrenched in our society.



With representations of the five regions of the country, more than 400 militants of the MST met in Fortaleza-CE for the meeting of the National Coordination of the Movement, between January 23 and 27, 2017. With deep reflections, dialogue and a lot of excitement in a revolutionary mística, the Movement's whole team deliberated on an extensive calendar of struggles to confront the threats to social rights carried out by coup president Michel Temer.

Joaquín Pinheiro, leader of the MST, Brazil: “We will continue fighting for land and for the Agrarian Reform”

“The Landless Movement (MST) of Brazil is accused of being a criminal organization. This accusation is part of a strategy to criminalize social protest and popular movements. After weakening the Workers’ Party (PT) of Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff, who he overthrew, Temer now has it aim set on the MST. But we continue to struggle, because this is the only way to defeat the conservative forces and the coup”.

Popular Brazil Front updates its political platform and calls to mobilizations for 2017

On December 7 and 8, nearly 300 leaders of 100 popular organizations of Brazil gathered to update the political platform of the Popular Brazil Front. The meeting, which was held in Belo Horizonte, was attended by a wide range of sectors of society including youth, peasants, healthcare workers, unions and religious organizations.

MST encampment under attack by gunmen in Pará

The attacks began on Monday and three pickup trucks help in the criminal action.

By Carlinhos Luz
Da Página do MST

This week, the encampment Hugo Chaves suffered another violent attack of gunmen and from the plantation owner Osvaldo Saldanha. The attacks began last Monday and three trucks help in the criminal action.

The gunslingers set up a barricade in Vila Sororó, populated near the encampment.

Movements say no to the criminalization of the struggle in a great act of support of the MST

To denounce the criminalization of popular movements, around a thousand people gathered this Saturday, November 5, 2016 at the National School Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), in Guararema (SP), in solidarity with the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST). The act is a response to the truculent action of civilian police, who invaded the school, fired bullets at students and militants, and imprisoned two members of ENFF, on Friday, November 4, 2016.
