As farmers, this MST sector reflects major organizational achievements in the area of agriculture, continuing to improve relationships among farmers and their relationship to the land and their environment. Since 1985, the MST has created:

In Defense of the Forest Code

  • - 400 production, commercialization, and services associations
  • 79 Agricultural Production and Stock breeding Cooperatives, both collective and semi-collective
  • 50 Trade, Marketing and Service Cooperatives
  • 28 Cooperatives for Technical Assistance
  • 4 Credit Cooperatives (Popular Bank)
  • 140 small and medium rural manufacturing facilities processing fruits and vegetable, dairy products, grains, meats and sweets
  • Follow up and support for social enterprises
  • PAES, a program of 63 individuals providing technical assistance to the cooperatives and social enterprises lined to settlements
  • “Green Embrace" Project for forest preservation through consortium plantations
  • Environmental Education Campaign for beautifying the settlements by planting trees, flowers, forests and establishing gardens, including "Brazil Free of GMOs" and "Zero Deforestation"
  • Production of BioNatur Agroecological (organic) Seeds
  • Several orchards for reforestation in Agrarian Reform areas
  • Production of organic maize seeds
  • Training of settlers in alternative technologies for organic production
  • CIMAS Project - model centers for management of agricultural biodiversity, currently with 10 projects in several states
  • Livestock grazing and organic milk production
  • Insemination projects with Siboney cattle, developed in Cuba