MST and Working Class Unity

São Paulo Military Police Evicts East Zone Families and Apprehends MTST leader, Guilherme Boulos; MST Repudiates the Violence Against the MTST

Earlier today (January 17, 2017), the São Paulo Military Police showed up at the San Mateo Colonial Occupation and evicted the area, in which 700 families lived.

The first operative of reintegration of positions, overseen by João Doria, had the characteristics of a military operation. Around 6 am, the Military Police showed up with infantry and trucks and advanced on the houses and families that had occupied the lands in the east zone of São Paulo.

MST leader defends the unitary program* to take the country from the crises

During the congress of the CUT, in Porto Alegre, João Pedro Stedile pointed out the main challenges of the working class at this juncture.

Stedile and CUT

The exit for the existing crises in Brazil and the role of the working class to confront the coup attempts were highlighted by the national MST leader João Pedro Stedile, last Friday (8/21/15), during the 14th State Congress of the Unified Workers Central (CECUT), in Porto Alegre (RS).

In the fight against homophobia, Landless Youth call for an end of violence

March against homophobiaTo Beth Rocha, transvestite and acampada*, building mechanisms to ensure an egalitarian society imbues respect for different identities.

The men wore dresses, lipstick, false eyelashes, heels. The women, boots, loose shirts, belts, baseball style caps. The proposal was to bring forth a reflection on the construction of gender identity and respect for different sexual orientations.

Without prejudice or preconceptions, landless youth held Agitation and Propaganda against homophobia on Tuesday (March 17) during the state march of MST in Bahia.

The action mobilized some 100 young people from different regions of the state, and proposed gives visibility to LGBT landless and fight against any kind of violence. Also, the march reaffirmed that the struggle for People’s Agrarian Reform should be everyone’s struggle.

The MST awards the “Struggle for Land” Prize to 22 fighters

More than 600 people attended the award ceremony, which on significant dates is conferred on people who stood out in defense of Struggle for Land Recipientspeasant struggles, agrarian reform, and a socialist society. The “Struggle for Land” Prize was awarded on January 24, 2015 at the Florestan Fernandes National School in Guararema (SP).  The award was last given in 2009, in celebration of the MST's 25th anniversary. Now the landless share the award again to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Movement, completed in 2014.
