Brazilian Politics Society and Economy

March 8th Struggles in Pernambuco

Focus of the actions is the fight against the proposal of reform of the Social Security, of the coup government of Michel Temer.


Finally came the 8th of March, a date so expected by all popular movements, and this year has assumed a character of confrontation with the agenda of the coup government, which seeks to deepen the gender inequalities already so entrenched in our society.



With representations of the five regions of the country, more than 400 militants of the MST met in Fortaleza-CE for the meeting of the National Coordination of the Movement, between January 23 and 27, 2017. With deep reflections, dialogue and a lot of excitement in a revolutionary mística, the Movement's whole team deliberated on an extensive calendar of struggles to confront the threats to social rights carried out by coup president Michel Temer.

At the ALBA Movements Assembly in Colombia, Joao Pedro Stedile Says: “In the current stage our only task is to increase organization and mass struggle”

Last Thursday, in the framework of the II Continental Assembly of Social Movements Towards the ALBA, the first panel of speakers was led by the representative of the Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST) of Brazil, João Pedro Stedile, who offered a master class titled “Political juncture: neoliberalism, neodevelopmentalism and socialism in our continent”.

Major U.S. Labor, Human Rights, Environmental and Women’s Organizations Denounce “Legislative Coup” Against Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff

As the Olympic Games come to a close in Rio de Janeiro, non-governmental organizations and unions in the United States are condemning the impeachment process against Brazil’s president. A public statement released today states: “We, the undersigned organizations, support democracy in Brazil and denounce the forced removal of Brazil’s elected president, Dilma Rousseff, as well as the criminalization and repression of Brazilian social movements.”
