Brazilian Politics Society and Economy

Syngenta convicted in Brazil! Justice finds company responsible for armed attack on encamped rural workers.

The court sentence, given by Judge Pedro Ivo Moreiro, of the 1st Civil Court of Cascavel, was published in the Paraná State Official Gazette this Tuesday (November 17, 2015). The sentence rules that the company shall pay compensation to Keno’s family and to Isabel for the moral and material damage it caused.

In solidarity with the petroleum workers, movements occupy Ministry of Mines and Energy

There are about 500 activists from the MST, FUP (Single Federation of Petroleum Workers, CUT (Unified Workers’ Central), UNE (National Union of Students), UBES (Union of Brazilian Secondary Students) and Levante Popular da Juventude (Popular Youth Uprising) in defense of democracy against the fiscal adjustment and for Fora Cunha (Get Out Cunha).

Social movements oppose attacks on indigenous people in Mato Grosso do Sul

We are all indigenous and we are fighting for a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry

The criminalization and killing of Indigenous People in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul has only increased in the last years, as international agribusiness continues to expand in the Central Plateau, Pantanal and Amazonian regions.

The following press release was issued by the unions and social movements.

Various organizations express solidarity with Stedile after he suffered insults in Fortaleza

"This aggression can only be understood as part of a conservative offensive of the right in society that seeks to criminalize and intimidate all those fighting for a just and sovereign Brazil."

Various working class groups wrote a note in solidarity with João Pedro Stedile and the MST, after the member of the national coordination of the MST was insulted by a group of people in Fortaleza airport late on Tuesday (9/22/15).

MST leader defends the unitary program* to take the country from the crises

During the congress of the CUT, in Porto Alegre, João Pedro Stedile pointed out the main challenges of the working class at this juncture.

Stedile and CUT

The exit for the existing crises in Brazil and the role of the working class to confront the coup attempts were highlighted by the national MST leader João Pedro Stedile, last Friday (8/21/15), during the 14th State Congress of the Unified Workers Central (CECUT), in Porto Alegre (RS).
