
Protests in at least 126 cities show that organizations are not happy about changes that will hurt social rights

Brazilians are holding rallies and protests today in several cities in...

They want to create the idea that there is a gap in foresight and that rural workers are the main culprits.

We need to fight against the destruction of the Public Pension System. PEC 06/2019 proposed by the Bolsonaro government to the legislature is an affront to social rights and affects mainly women, teachers and rural workers.


Men were arrested this morning in Rio, but it is still unclear who ordered the execution

Two suspects in the killing of councilwoman and human rights activist Marielle Franco and...

Received with enthusiasm in the land where he was born, Caetano knows the history of struggle and resistance of the settlement Paulo Cunha

The 170 families of the settlement Paulo Cunha, in the city of...

In a follow up to the massive nationwide protests on International Women's Day, the women from the MST occupied the farm of a known sexual abuser and blocked the train tracks of the Vale company, responsible for the deaths of over 300 people from the bursting of a dam in Minas Gerais.  We bring you both these stories.


We bring you two articles on the demonstrations and celebrations of International Women's Day. The articles detail the actions of the MST and ot​her social movements throughout Brazil.


During the campaign of struggle, women from the countryside and the city unite against the violence and setbacks of the Bolsonaro government.

by Maura Silva

The strength of women is kicking off the year of major mobilizations in the country. Under the...

by Vijay Prashad

On January 25, 2019, a dam burst in the town of Brumadinho, north of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The dam was built by the iron-ore company Vale to store residue after the iron ore had been extracted. Once the dam began...

Responsible for land reform, Nabhan Garcia defends weapons in the field, promises to close MST schools and says he will not negotiate with the movement.

President of the...

The clear waters of the Paraopeba River in São Joaquim de Bicas (MG), metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte (MG), were filled with mud and changed their color. What once was crystalline now has texture and coloring similar to an oil paint...
