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Dear friends of the MST,

We think it is important that you who are friends of the MST know what we are really thinking. Last month in a meeting of the national leadership of the Movement, with more than 250 comrades from every state and sector, we analyzed the current political situation and our position in relation to it. We are...

Dear Friend,

Greetings from the Friends of Brazil’s Landless Workers Movement! We are writing to you today with both exciting updates as well as an urgent plea for your support.

We have printed a lovely 4-page Summer FMST Newsletter that we would like to send to MST supporters. Please...

Dear Friends,

Today we are sharing the Manifesto of the Economists for a New Economic Policy, which was launched today during the events that marked the Day of the Rural Worker.

National Secretariat of the MST

:The Crisis of the Republic: Manifesto of the Economists for a New Economic Policy

Everyone agrees that the...

Source: Maryknoll News Notes
by David Kane
July 15, 2005

The Brazilian government has been racked by a series of corruption scandals that many social movements--church groups; NGOs; unions; farmers, Afro-Brazilians, womens' and students' organizations--worry may result in conservative parties increasing their power within the...

Dear Friends of the MST

The political and social crisis that Brazil is facing is an opportunity for activists and society in general to discuss possible solutions. The MST, along with 45 organizations and movements, signed a DECLARATION TO THE BRAZILIAN PEOPLE, that makes the following recommendations to the government:


SOURCE: Polaris Institute--Brazil
Media Release
29th June, 2005

Drought in Brazil has caused a severe 72% drop in soybean yields in the
heaviest Round-Up Ready soy using state. The Polaris Institute calls on the
company to review its FY06 earnings estimates that include new Brazilian
sales that will begin...

*portugues em baixo*

We are asking other organizations to show solidarity, via fax or phone. THANK YOU!

Telephone number for the Appeals Court Judge: 41 - 33502167, Fax: 41 - 32547118


The MST recently received another important demonstration of affection and recognition from Oscar Niemayer, one of the best, most internationally reknowned Brazilian architects. Niemayer, who the MST awarded their “Land Struggle Prize

Dear friends,
All of you were able to follow the Landless March to Brasilia via the internet and the press. Many evaluations have been made, including some on our web site. More important than what we ourselves may say about the march, it is important to hear what the people are saying about us and our actions. For this reason, we are...

Dear friends of the MST,

In 2002, we elected Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as President of Brazil. It was the first time that a representative of the people, a leader of the working class, assumed command of the nation. During the electoral campaign, however, the release of his “Letter to the Brazilians‿, proved Lula’s intentions to...
