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[12/22/05] MST Disputes Government’s Land Reform Figures for 2005
The National Coordinating Body of the MST has rebuked the Land Reform figures for 2005 released by the Lula government. The Movement insists that the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) is repeating methods used by the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso [1995-2002...
National Forum for Land Reform and Justice in the Rural Areas
Overall balance for 2005
The Rural Areas Demand Changes to Solve the People’s Problems: Against Neoliberalism and Agribusiness
1. Brazil is going through a serious crisis at this moment in history. A crisis of an economic character, because the economic policy...
In an interview conducted December the 14th Special Representative of the UN’s Secretary General for the Defense of Human Rights, Hina Jilani, affirmed her defense of the MST’s lines of action. “I consider them exemplary, not only because their members act in defense of social and economic rights, but because they do so while maintaining the...
[12/11/2005]Amazon nun's killers are jailed
BBC News Reports
Two Brazilians have been found guilty of murdering a US-born Catholic nun and peasants' rights activist, and sentenced to long jail terms. Sister Dorothy Stang campaigned on behalf of poor farmers against ranchers and big logging companies. Rayfran das Neves Sales was...
TERRA DE DEREITOS, a civic human rights organization, declares publicly its rejection of the Report approved by the CPMI on Land Issues on 29 November 2005.
The CPMI on Land Issues was constituted with the aim of carrying out a broad diagnostic evaluation of the Brazilian agrarian structure, of the agrarian and urban reform processes,...
Vile are the Brazilian Right
By Emir Sader
Vile are the latifúndio (large estates), the unjustly appropriated lands, maintained unproductive while millions of workers struggle for the right to live in the Brazilian countryside.
Vile is the violence in the countryside, encouraged by landowners and their political allies,...
[11/30/2005] Brazil’s Emir Sader Responds to CPMI
Vile are the Brazilian Right
By Emir Sader
Vile are the latifúndio (large estates), the unjustly appropriated lands, maintained unproductive while millions of workers struggle for the right to live in the Brazilian countryside.
Vile is the violence in the countryside...
[11/30/2005] Brazil’s Emir Sader Responds to CPMI
Vile are the Brazilian Right
By Emir Sader
Vile are the latifúndio (large estates), the unjustly appropriated lands, maintained unproductive while millions of workers struggle for the right to live in the Brazilian countryside.
Vile is the violence in the countryside...
[12/01/2005] Pastoral Land Commission says final report of the CPMI “consecrates violence‿
The Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) officially condemned the approval, by the Congressional Committee of Inquiry on Land Issues (CPMI), of the report prepared by Federal Deputy Abelardo Lupion (PFL-PR).
“The result of the CPMI has once again...
The Landless Workers’ Movement (MST), by way of this message, expresses its indignation toward the majority decision of the Congressional Committee of Inquiry on Land Issues (CPMI) who, fulfilling the criminal and hateful objectives of the UDR (Rural Democratic Union) and its allies, acted against the stated purpose of the CPMI. The CPMI was...