[06/04/09] MST Informa #166: The MST Review has reached 50 editions!
Dear Friends of the MST,
Dear Friends of the MST,
The concentration of land in Brazil continues to be among the highest in the world.
by Michelle Amaral da Silva - last modified 2009-04-16 11:50 Mobilizations throughout Brazil in memory of the 19 landless workers killed 13 years ago in the Massacre of Eldorado de Carajás are pl
By Silvia Adoui From São Paulo, Brazil, NP Radioagencia Week of April 14 The Fazenda Puntumujú, in the extreme south of Bahia, was occupied by the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST).
Indians celebrated the ruling as a confirmation of land rights they were granted in 1988 [AFP] The Amazon's indigenous groups have won a major victory with Brazil's Supreme Court upholding the int
by Plinio Arruda Sampaio Published in Folha de S.
By Immanuel Wallerstein This article appeared in the March 23, 2009 edition of The Nation.
Women from La Via Campesina mobilized last week on March 8th for International Women’s Day.
Director-General of United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Commends the Struggle of Women of Via Campesina MST Press Release (March 10, 2009) On the second day of mobilization of the I
In recent days, the press has been giving rise to a series of materials about the MST that express an offensive of the right-wing forces.