Now its law! Agrarian Reform Fair enters the official calendar of São Paulo events

Thursday, September 5, 2019
Info Source: 
Da Página do MST

The bill was voted and approved by the São Paulo City Council and was officially published by the Parliamentary Secretary Genera on September 4, 2019

The already traditional National Agrarian Reform Fair is once again highlighted in the city of São Paulo. Through Bill 17,162 published this Wednesday (September 4) in the Official Gazette of the Municipality, authored by Councilman Jair Tatto (PT [Worker’s Party]), the Week of the National Agrarian Reform Fair enters the Official Calendar of Events of the City.

The bill was voted and approved by the São Paulo City Council and was officially published by the Parliamentary Secretary General.

According to Jair Tatto, "the project aims to give greater visibility to family farming and organic production, the result of the Agrarian Reform process throughout the country."

For the national coordination of the MST, the approval of the law shows the importance of the Agrarian Reform fair in the city of São Paulo. And although it is only one step, the doors of the municipality will be much more open to the fair in the Água Branca Park. "

National Agrarian Reform Fair 2019

The annual MST fair, which was scheduled to take place on May 2, was postponed due to the non-release of the Água Branca Park, in the west of the state capital.

The fair was not authorized by the government of João Doria (PSDB) on the grounds that the structure of the park does not support the event.

The MST continues to try to provide solutions for carrying out the activity that is now officially part of the city's calendar.

Da Página do MST 


LAW No. 17,162 OF AUGUST 30, 2019

(Draft Law No 86/19) (Councilor Jair Tato - PT)

Amending Law No. 14,485 of July 19, 2007, to include in the São Paulo City Events Calendar the Week of the National Agrarian Reform Fair.

Eduardo Tuma, President of the São Paulo City Council, announces that the São Paulo City Council, pursuant to § 42 of Article 42 of the São Paulo Municipal Organizational Law, promulgates the following law:

Art. 1 The letter XCVII of art. 7 of the Law 14.485, of July 19, 2007, with the following wording:

"XCVII - first week of May: the Week of the National Agrarian Reform Fair."

(NR) Art. 2 This Law enters into force on the date of its publication. City Council of São Paulo, August 30, 2019. EDUARDO TUMA, President

Published in the Parliamentary General Secretariat of City Council of São Paulo, on August 30, 2019. BRENO GANDELMAN, Parliamentary Secretary General