Niemeyer, the MST is Immensely Proud to Have Been Your Friend and Comrade
Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Brazilian people and all of humanity have lost one of their best friends who lived through the twentieth century.
Niemeyer was more than an architect: he was a lover of life and a tireless defender of equality for all human beings.
He was a communist not merely according to doctrine; he believed that all human beings are equal, and that we all deserve to have the same access to the means of subsistence.
And so he was, above all else, a comrade to us all!
He disdained the material wealth that the Brazilian ruling class so idolizes and exploits millions to accumulate more and more.
He defended and practiced humane values -- above all, that of solidarity against injustice of any kind.
The Movement is immensely proud to have been his friend and comrade, and to have received his help.
His shall ever be for us an exemplary life.
Oscar, our great friend, from now on you will be with us in your works and in our memory!
The National Board of the MST