Ministry of Justice orders Federal Police to investigate attack on MST settlement
A criminal action resulted in two people dead and six others injured on Friday night (January 10), in Tremembé (SP) (NOTE: This article published before third MST militant died.)
The Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) ordered, this Saturday (January 11), that the Federal Police (PF) open an investigation to investigate the attack on the Olga Benário Settlement, of the Landless Workers' Movement (MST), in Tremembé, in the interior of São Paulo, which occurred on Friday night (10).
In the letter sent to the PF, the acting minister, Manoel Carlos de Almeida Neto, cites the violation of human rights. The MJSP also reported that a PF team, including agents, an expert and a fingerprint expert, has already been dispatched to the crime scene. Earlier, in an exclusive interview with Brasil de Fato, the Minister of Agrarian Development, Paulo Teixeira, stated that he had called the PF's director-general, Andrei Rodrigues, and asked the institution to collaborate in finding the culprits and punishing them for the crimes committed. Teixeira also stated that he had contacted the Secretary of Public Security of São Paulo, Guilherme Derrite, the Secretary of Government and Institutional Relations of the state, Gilberto Kassab, and the executive secretary of Derrite's department, Osvaldo Nico Gonçalves, to request increased security at the scene. According to the minister, state authorities have committed to employing specialized police to investigate the case. The minister also said that this is an area that arouses the interest of organized crime. The Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship (MDCH) also released a statement condemning the attack and informing that it is seeking more information about the events that occurred in order to provide assistance to the victims, their families and the settlers.
Understand the case
On the evening of Friday (10), families of farmers from the Olga Benário Settlement, of the MST, located in Tremembé (SP), suffered a violent attack that left two people dead and six injured – among them, children and elderly people. The residents of the settlement say that, around 11 pm on Friday, criminals invaded the settlement with cars and motorcycles, shooting indiscriminately at people.
The armed attack resulted in the death of Gleison Barbosa de Carvalho, 28 years old, and Valdir do Nascimento, 52 years old. (NOTE: This article published before the death of Denis Carvalho, 29 years old.)