Lula Visits the Florestan Fernandes National School
by Mayrá Lima
On January 21, former President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva visited the National School Florestan Fernandes (ENFF), accompanied by journalist and former minister Franklin Martins.
During the visit, Lula inspected all the facilities of the school and talked with MST activists about the current national and Latin American political scene.
"This school is a model and the MST is to be congratulated on reaching success. They should continue training cadre for the changes that the country so desperately needs, "said the former president.
For Lula, the role of social movements "will make the difference" in this next period. He said that political reform is essential and there is a need for unity of the left in order to advance the gains for Brazilian workers.
"The role of a social movement is not to be subservient to the government. You cannot give up defending the interests of the movement that you represent", he added.
According to Rosana Fernandes, a member of the MST National Direction and the Teaching Coordination of ENFF, the visit of Lula as a friend of the Movement is part of the celebration the school's 10 year anniversary. It was founded in January 2005, and is also a space for the discussion of agrarian reform.
"The struggle for land is the great engine of our organization. Therefore, questions like why was agrarian reform not enacted and why our demands have not been met must be answered. We do not want Lula to turn against President Dilma, but for him to have influence so that agrarian reform is enacted, " said Rosana.