International Day of Peasant Struggle
In one of many protests on Thursday April 17, around 500 MST workers from the Brazilian Federal District (state to which Brasilia, nation's capital, belongs to) and its surroundings blocked sections of the BR 020 highway, between the Planaltina (DF) and Formosa (GO) municipalities, at the height of kilometer 43 and the BR 070 highway, in direction towards Águas Lindas de Goiás.
This action was part of Campaign of Struggles in April and has as its main objective to put pressure on the implementation of Agrarian Reform in the DF (Federal District), which has been completely paralyzed, and to demonstrate against the criminalization of social movements.
The campaign is in memory of the Massacre of Eldorado dos Carajás, when Movement activists who were marching toward Belém (PA), were surrounded by police and 19 landless workers were killed.
The crime has become internationally known and today the 17th of April is the International Day of Peasant Struggle, organized by La Via Campesina.