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Governor gave discounts of up to 90% on the sale of vacant lands occupied irregularly
Article reveals: 'Graziano omitted data that demonstrate that settlements are important sources of job and income generation'
A survey carried out by Lupa ( shows that there was an increase in...
In the sights of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), João Pedro Stedile, leader of the movement, said that Lula was wrong when he spoke of land...
In Brazil, 65 thousand MST families are waiting to be regularized as settlers: "to continue producing, we need the land"
The movement claims that the occupied lands are unproductive, denounces the eviction suffered and the agreement breached by Ferbasa
...Association Jurists for Democracy publishes solidarity note after CPI approval against the movement
João Pedro Stedile, member of the MST’s national leadership, said the parliamentary commission of inquiry that has been set up to look into the movement, is an effort by right-wing legislators to...
Last April 4, farmers went in a 35 trucks convoy to an MST camp in Itabela (state of Bahia), during repossession. Foto: MST-BA...
This year's April Campaign denounces hunger and slavery and reaffirms the struggle for land, democracy and in...