Agroecology and Agribusiness: Monsanto's War on Agriculture
On May 25, 2013 over two million people marched and protested against agribusiness giant Monsanto. See coverage from USA Today, Huffington Post and a roundup of articles on the Occupy Monsanto website. The MST has long decried the unsustainable agricultural model that Monsanto has developed for profit – including the use of GMO seeds and a reliance on a flood of agro-toxins.
We include an article on how the Brazilian government is seemingly organizing for organic production, when in reality it is only support for agribusiness. We also include two articles on Monsanto’s war on health, GMO labeling and its attempt to control the world’s food.
“Agroecology Will Have A National Plan and Create A New Milestone for the Country” from Carta Maior.
From CounterPunch magazine:
“Monsanto’s Dirty War: Why Labels on Genetically Engineered Foods Won’t Cost Consumers a Dime”
“Monsanto Seeks to Control World’s Food: It's Not Science Fiction Anymore”