Lula calls MST leader and says he wants to visit settlement attacked in Tremembé (SP)
Three people died and five others were injured in a shooting attack on Friday night (January 10)
The President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, called the national leader of the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) Gilmar Mauro this Saturday (January 11) to express solidarity in light of the murder of three workers at the Olga Benário Camp in Tremembé (SP) on Friday night (10). Five other people were injured, without seriousness.
Mauro told Brasil de Fato that the president expressed solidarity with the MST and the victims' families, and placed the Ministries of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), Human Rights and Citizenship (MDCH), Agrarian Development (MDS) and the Federal Police (PF) at their disposal to provide the necessary assistance to the settlement and to thoroughly investigate the case. "He said that when he can travel by plane, he wants to visit the region," the MST leader told BdF.
On Saturday afternoon, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP) ordered the PF to open an investigation into the attack.
Attack against MST
On Friday night (10), families of farmers from the Olga Benário Settlement, part of the MST, located in Tremembé (SP), suffered an attack that left three people dead and five injured – among them children and elderly people. Residents of the settlement say that, at around 11 pm on Friday, criminals invaded the settlement in cars and motorcycles, shooting indiscriminately at people.
The armed attack resulted in the deaths of Gleison Barbosa de Carvalho, 28, Valdir do Nascimento, 52, and Denis Carvalho, 29, who was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the head and placed in an induced coma, but did not survive. The other victims are out of danger.
In a statement, the Civil Police of Taubaté reported that they are investigating the case as homicide, attempted homicide and illegal possession of a permitted firearm. According to the authorities, a man was “approached at the scene of the attack and charged with illegal possession of a firearm.”