If Bayer itself is not good: it’s the chemical warfare agents, pesticides and heroin
Everywhere in the world large multinationals determine the political game. One of the biggest global players is Bayer AG, present in all countries. The former subsidiaries of IG Farben (BASF, Bayer and Hoechst) dominate the European chemical industry and have an annual volume of 90 billion euros. No government or political institution, can escape the influence of this powerful mechanism.
Wonders and dangers
The "wonders of chemistry" were once applauded lightly as "advances of the human race," but the dangers of toxic chemicals in the production of poisons turned us into hostages, no one can escape. This affects us all. Criticism and alternatives are needed. The organized action against the dangers of Bayer, which began as a citizen initiative in 1978, is working to publish the risks of large-scale chemical production, eliminate potential hazards and develop alternatives.
Aspires to the forced labor
Bayer's history began in the nineteenth century and aspirin is not the only product related to the company. The company is also identified with chemical warfare agents, with "drugs" like heroin (previously trademarked by Bayer) and countless household poisons and insecticides. The company thinks only of its own benefit and works with dictators and war criminals like Hitler and Pinochet.
The director of Bayer, Carl Duisberg, personally advocated for forced labor during the First World War. This idea led to the mass murder at the camp owned by IG Farben, Auschwitz-Monowitz. The company was accused for its great involvement in the planning, preparation and execution of the two world wars. The International Tribunal for War Crimes declared the company guilty for its responsibility in the war and crimes of the Nazi dictatorship.