News and Updates: FMST News

On April 17, members of the Friends of the MST (FMST) and Family Farm Defenders (FFD), a ​ Wisconsin based organization, commemorated the International Day of Peasant Struggle by holding two protests in Chicago: the...

The New York chapter of the Friends of the MST participated in the March 8 International Women’s Day activities in New York City. The demonstration was organized by: INTERNATIONAL WOMENS STRIKE (US) and WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL...

The Friends of the MST, along with allies in other social movements, responded to the invasion of the MST’s national school (Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes) (see article above) by organizing demonstrations in front of the...

International Allies Challenge Corporate Control of the Food System and False Solutions of Biotechnology

SEATTLE, WA, August, 31 2016 ­– The US Food Sovereignty Alliance (USFSA) is pleased...


In this moment when it is vital to assert that Black lives matter, the U.S. Food Sovereignty Food Sovereignty PrizeAlliance honors Black and Afro-Indigenous farmers, fishermen, and stewards of ancestral lands and water...

[Editor’s Note: For over a year, community residents have been occupying the Gill Tract, land Occupy the Farmowned by the University of California in Albany, CA. The university wants to develop the land into high-end...

You've beeAAENFF Logon following all these years our activities in the struggle for agrarian reform and a Brazilian society with more equality and social justice.

The political-ideological training and the educational process are as...
