Attack on MST settlement in Tremembé (SP) leaves two dead and six injured

Saturday, January 11, 2025
Info Source: 
Leonardo Fernandes | Brasil de Fato | São Paulo (SP) | Editing: Nicolau Soares | Original URL:

Armed criminals invaded the area shooting; minister condemned the attack

On the night of this Friday (January 10), families of farmers from the Olga Benarío Settlement, of the Landless Workers' Movement (MST), in Tremembé (SP), suffered a violent attack, leaving two dead and sixe injured – among them, children and elderly people. Residents of the settlement say that, around 11 pm on Friday, criminals invaded the settlement with cars and motorcycles, shooting indiscriminately at people. Gleison Barbosa de Carvalho, 28, and Valdir do Nascimento, 52, died instantly. Denis Carvalho, 29, was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the head and placed in an induced ans remains in critical condion. The other victims were taken to the Taubaté Regional Hospital and underwent surgery to remove the bullets. According to the MST leadership, they are out of danger.

"This is a region with some settlements very close to urban areas and where there is intense pressure from real estate speculation, in conjunction with local politicians and militias, to enter our territories and take over some lots. This group went there to annihilate them and our people were resisting because they [real estate speculators] wanted to take over a lot," explained Gilmar Mauro, from the MST national leadership.

The local MST released a statement condemning the state of violence and "lack of public policies" for agrarian reform settlements. "In this moment of profound pain, the Landless Workers' Movement is outraged by the violence and lack of public security policies in the territories, which put the lives of so many at constant risk. For our dead, not a minute of silence, but a lifetime of struggle!", the text says.

In a statement, the Civil Police of Taubaté reported that they are investigating the case as homicide, attempted homicide and illegal possession of a permitted firearm. According to the text, a man was "approached at the scene of the attack and charged with illegal possession of the weapon".

"A very serious crime"

Paulo Teixeira, Minister of Agrarian Development and Family Farming, spoke about the attack on the MST settlement and said that he reported the crime to the Secretary of Public Security of São Paulo, Guilherme Derrite, and asked for measures to be taken and for the criminals to be punished. He also said that he had contacted the Director General of the Federal Police, Andrei Rodrigues.

"A very serious crime took place this morning. A group of criminals invaded the Olga Benario settlement, in the municipality of Tremembé, state of São Paulo, and shot 8 settlers, leading to the death of settlers Valdir do Nascimento and young Gleison Barbosa Carvalho. The others are injured in the hospital. I reported the crime to the Secretary of Public Security of São Paulo and asked for measures to be taken to investigate the perpetrators and arrest them," the minister announced on his social media.

Additional information from the MST

Last night, January 10th, ten bandits invaded the Olga Benário Settlement, located in Tremembé, São Paulo, using five cars and two motorcycles. The criminals shot at the settlers, who witnessed the invasion of an area of ​​the settlement.

This is yet another facet of land conflicts in the state of São Paulo. The lack of effective public policies by the São Paulo government leaves the Agrarian Reform territories vulnerable and the families living there unprotected, reinforcing a scenario of insecurity and violence.

The Olga Benário Settlement faces intense competition from real estate speculation focused on leisure tourism, due to its strategic location in the Paraíba Valley region. For years, the families living there have been suffering constant threats and coercion, even after several complaints were made to state and federal agencies, which have yet to provide an effective response to guarantee the safety and permanence of these families in the territory.

The Landless Workers' Movement (MST) expresses its solidarity with the families of the victims, their friends and the community affected by this tragedy. We demand that the Government of the State of São Paulo urgently conduct a thorough investigation to identify the criminals and ensure that justice is served.

The Agrarian Reform settlements cannot be abandoned to their fate. It is essential that the land regularization policy serves the true heirs of the land and peasant workers, guaranteeing their rights and preventing opportunists from taking advantage of these territories to promote threats and put the safety of settled families at risk.

By MST Communications Collective in São Paulo | From the MST website | Translated by Friends of the MST (US) | Original URL:

NOTE: This articled edited to remove material that was updated in the Brasil de Fato article, above.