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To Stedile, businessmen against Bolsonaro are already the majority, but they are still looking for a third way for 2022
Check out the speech by Marina dos Santos, from the Movement's National Directorate, who represented the MST in the international category of the "Acampa - Pola Paz e Dereito a Refuxio" Award...
Food donations and repudiation of coup threats marked acts that brought together 300,000 people in Brazil
...The agrarian program of the Landless Rural Workers Movement seeks a structural change in the relationship with access to land, natural goods, modes of production and peasant community organization
For the former president, with the strengthening of policies for family farming, "another Pernambuco is possible"
Since Sunday (August 15), former president Luis Inácio Lula da Silva...
In opposition to the peasant´s struggle, the UN calls for a Conference with heads of states and private agents
In the same year that La...
The complaint filed to the ICC highlights a series of human rights violations, like extermination and persecution
On this Monday (August 9), in the International Day of the World’s...
The LGBTs from Coletivo Sem Terra also point to advances in gender debates and demanded justice for the murder of peasants in Paraná
June is Pride Month for lesbians, gays, bisexuals,...
Protests and mobilization actions recalled World Environment Day and called for Bolsonaro's departure
In a year in which deforestation in the Amazon and the release...
Protests in over 200 cities and towns in Brazil sparked by president’s handling of the Covid pandemic
Tens of thousands of protesters have poured on to the streets of Brazil’s...