[12/01/2005] Pastoral Land Commission says final report of the CPMI “consecrates violence‿

[12/01/2005] Pastoral Land Commission says final report of the CPMI “consecrates violence‿

The Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) officially condemned the approval, by the Congressional Committee of Inquiry on Land Issues (CPMI), of the report prepared by Federal Deputy Abelardo Lupion (PFL-PR).

“The result of the CPMI has once again dirtied the image of the National Congress that defends private property as if it were something sacred, unfamiliar with the social function of land as mandated by the constitution and blind to the falsification of land titles and the destruction of the environment, all conducted on behalf of agribusiness‿, the CPT affirmed in their official response.

The CPT points out that on the same day of the report’s approval (11/29), the MST’s Jaelson Melquídes was assassinated in Atalaia, Alagoas. Also this year, Sister Dorothy Stang and another 15 people were killed in Pará, and another 48 people continue to receive death threats.

The CPT’s figures show that 36 rural workers have been killed this year while another 170 received death threats, including Sister Leonora Bruneto, in Mato Grosso.

“The approval of Lupion’s report consecrates the practice of violence for those who historically consider themselves the ‘owners’ of the land and life and it frees them of any responsibility for their actions‿, the CPT concluded.

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