[06/07/06] MST PRESS RELEASE: MST not involved in June 6th actions in Brasilia
From: João Pedro Stedile, of MST’s National Coordinating Body
To: Friends of the MST
Journalist Juan Arias, correspondent for EL PAIS and Rio, recently published incorrect information regarding the recent events in Brasilia [as did BBC Online, SEE BELOW]. In response, the MST released the following message, to be shared with media outlets throughout Brazil and abroad.
With respect to the events of Tuesday, June the 6th, the MST (Movement of Landless Rural Workers) publicly affirms that it did not take part in any of the protests conducted by the MLST (Movement for the Liberation of the Landless) at the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasilia.
We also affirm that the MLST is in no way related to the MST. The two movements have no direct ties and the MLST is not a dissident group of the MST. We maintain our full autonomy, as we also respect the autonomy of other groups, political parties, governments and the State.
São Paulo, June 7th, 2006
MST Press Release
BBC News Report on Action of MLST: