DVDs Available as Donation Gifts
Escola Nacional Florestan Fernandes: Uma Escola em Construção (Florestan Fernandes National School: A School in Construction) The story of ENFF from 2005-2010. Portuguese and Spanish with English Subtitles. 2010 - 14 minutes
Los Sin Tierra: Por Los Caminhos de America (The Landless: On the Patrhs of America):GHood history of the MST. In Spanish and Portuguese with Engflish Subtitles. 2003 - 72 Minutes, by Miguel Barrios
Raiz Forte (Strong Roots): Documentary about the MST. Portuguese with English subtitles. 2001 - 41 minutes. ByAline Sasahara and Maria Luisa Mendonça
Sugar Slaves: Documentary about sugarcane workers in Brazil that portrays tehir difficult lives, violation of their basic rights and the environmental destrruction of extensive sugarcane monoculture. Portuguese with English subtitles. 2009 - 25 minutes. By Rede Social de Justiça e Direitos Humanos (www.social.org.br) [Social Network for Justice and Human Rights)