Social Movements' Political Line for the Presidential Election

Tuesday, October 7, 2014



In an editorial in the Brasil de Fato newspaper, the social movements express their position on the second round of the presidential election, which will take place next October 26th between the re-election of Dilma Rousseff (PT) and the candidacy of Aécio Neves (PSDB).

the social movements, the confrontation between the candidates "will be a decisive, very difficult battle that will require more extensive mobilization of the popular sectors and the left in our country" by Dilma's campaign to confront the neoliberal offensive.

However, even
if Dilma wins, there will be an urgent need to extend the programs for structural changes.

The proposal
for a Social Movements Platform developed by 60 social organizations across the country, in this case, would be "a real, possible, and necessary immediate alternative of radicalization that must be upheld."

And the
way out for structural changes rests unconditionally on the struggle for an Exclusive Sovereign Constituent Assembly on the Political System.

Check out the editorial:

No Vacillation – Defeat the Right!
We conclude the first round of general elections with a more conservative Congress.

 The reactionary wave strengthened the groups in Congress that are linked to fundamentalist evangelical groups, leaders against the expansion of rights and the so-called "caucus of the bullet", the advocate for the intensification of repressive measures. But the elections especially strengthened the bosses' caucuses in Congress linked to large corporate groups.

Null votes, blank
votes and abstentions showed significant growth, allowing us to conclude that those signified voter dissatisfaction.

connection between an economic recession and the election period always weakens the state and strengthens oppositional discourse. In this context, neoliberal forces perceive the possibility of victory and will play all their cards in the coming days. The confrontation between Dilma Rousseff and Aécio Neves is a very tough, decisive battle that will require more extensive mobilization of the popular sectors and the left in our country.

We are witnessing the effort of the Neves campaign to contest the electoral spoils of Marina Silva, especially the most reactionary sectors that had a chance of victory through the PSB candidate. To do this, they are counting on the unfailing support of the mainstream media, which is also preparing to use their accusatory weapons in the coming weeks.

More than in other elections in which the
PT candidate faced the PSDB candidate, the victory of Dilma Rousseff will depend on militant mobilization. An election to be decided by the work of volunteers going from house to house, in the streets, as in the best moments in the history of the PT. And it will depend on much more boldness to deepen the program of changes, making it clear to the working youth and activists their commitment and concrete willingness to tackle the complex challenges of social change.

The second round will favor the political debate between two different projects. The significance of the return of neoliberalism, with its privatization, alignment with the United States, and reduced social investments on one side and the need
for the neo-developmentalist front to move forward in tackling the structural problems that were relegated in the name of maintaining unity with bourgeois sectors, on the other side.

The proposal
for a Platform of the Social Movements, drafted by 60 social organizations across the country is a practical, possible and needed alternative for radicalization that must be upheld by Dilma's campaign to confront the neoliberal offensive in the second round.

The historical moment does not allow hesitation.
We must defeat neoliberalism. Silence at such a decisive moment or taking cover under the pretext of consistency in a sectarian discourse is committing a serious political mistake.

ing a victory for the project of neoliberalism means a tragedy not only for the popular forces in our country, but for all progressive governments of our continent, strengthening imperialism with global geopolitical implications.

But even
if she is victorious, Dilma will govern with a correlation of unfavorable forces in Congress, with the middle classes, also called "upper middle class” extremely bitter and a portion of the electorate very suspicious of their real commitments to deeper changes.

This scenario further reinforces the need to fight for an
Exclusive and Sovereign Constituent Assembly on the Political System. Without addressing the current political system we are doomed to watch a real reactionary political offensive.

It is essential to
confront the neoliberal offensive and support the Rousseff candidacy, but not in a subordinate way, just replaying the campaign slogans and phrases. To raise high the banner of 'Constituent Assembly Now!', to demand that it be Exclusive and Sovereign, to work on the 'Platform of Social Movements', to take advantage of the election period for political discussion with people – these are ways of providing political support with an understanding that winning is not enough, we must be bold in demanding political change that, if not realized, will allow them to mount a conservative offensive.