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Join the International Day of Peasant Struggle: Say ‘No!’ to Corporate Control of Agriculture and Food!
To commemorate the International Day of Peasant Struggle on April 17th 2010, the international peasant movement La Via Campesina calls upon member organisations, allies and supporters to unite against transnational corporations...

La Via Campesina launched a petition suggesting that the Mixed Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPMI) recently installed to criminalize the fight for agrarian reform and the MST should be used to investigate agribusiness crimes. The text states, “the restriction of the CPMI’s work to investigate only the agreements of the groups that...

Small farmer Juarez Vieira Reis goes up in Court against one of the leaders of Congress' Rural Bench, who took his lands seven years ago. by Eduardo Sales de Lima of the Sem Terra Editorial Staff

The farmer Juarez Vieira Reis was expelled in 2003 from the land where he had lived since he was born, in Tocantins, due to a legal...

By Chris Tilly, Marie Kennedy, and Tarso Luís Ramos The Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) of Brazil, which has mobilized more than a million Brazilians to occupy and farm large landholdings, was cautiously optimistic when Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva of the Workers Party won the presidency in 2002. “We campaign for Lula,” remarked MST organizer...

The end of year is time to take stock of activities over the year now, assess the progress and the difficulties and begin planning for the coming next year. 2009 will be remembered in history as the year of the great capitalist crisis that hit financial markets around the world. A crisis that began in the U.S., but has swept many countries...

Since the creation of the National Technical Commission (CTNBio) in 2005, biotech multinationals have benefited with consecutive approvals without exception of all of the petitions to release transgenic varieties in Brazil. Between 2005 and the end of 2009, CTNBio will give full reign to the commercial planting of two different varieties of...

On November 25th, the National Forum for Agrarian Reform and Land Justice attended a hearing in Brasília with the Federal Government, where it presented an overview of where land reform currently stands, and criticized an offensive by landowners. During the meeting, attending organizations - among them the MST, Contag, CNBB, MPA, and MAB -...

The Military Police took action on the Buriti homelands Brasil do Fato, December 2, 2009 Today, 19 November, a group of landowners accompanied by armed security guards evicted without a court order the Terena (indigenous) community of 300 who had taken over part of the Buriti land in the municipality of Sidrolândia in Mato Grosso do Sul. A...

Plots of the ruling class - sectors of the judiciary, the Congress, the national court of accounts, prosecutors and the media - are crafting another offensive against the MST and the workers. We can see that offensive in the creation of another CPI to investigate the movement, the third installed in the last four years. This offensive is also...

To transform the unequal and unjust structures of our society was always one of the objectives of the Movimento Sem Terra, in order to build a sovereign nation and win a dignified life for the workers. It is for that reason that we have dedicated our energies to bringing about an effective agrarian reform that would democratize access to land...
